I have really enjoyed the flexibility of working from home the past few months. It’s so easy to quickly whip up a quick meal for lunch & this definitely did not disappoint….Chipotle Beef & Avocado Bowls
8oz. Ground Beef
2-3 Avocados
8oz. Baby Bella Mushrooms
1/2 C. Red Onions
1/2 Tbsp. Chipotle Pepper Powder
2/3 C. Fresh Cilantro
3 Cloves Garlic, minced
2 Limes
3/4 C. Tomato Salsa
12oz. Riced Cauliflower
Avocado Oil
1. In large skillet, brown ground beef. Add in mushrooms & red onions and cook until liquid evaporated. Season with chipotle pepper powder, garlic, & salt to taste.
2. Seam riced cauliflower. Once cooked, mix in cilantro & juice from a lime.
3. Make guacamole by smashing avocados, lime, & salt.
4. Serve in bowl with cilantro lime riced cauliflower on bottom, smothered in beef mixture, & topped with guacamole

Posted inFamily Meals