Buy a cheap cut of steak and make salad
Super cheap and easy meal
I did sousvide 130F for 1.5 hours and then seared it in the cast iron, hard boiled eggs, avocado, parmesan cheese, blue cheese dressing, and romaine lettuce
Hands on time, maybe 5-7 minutes of actual work, most of that was the assembly/de-shelling eggs
I tried to figure out how much this cost per serving and my best guess was less than $2/serving making a total of 4 meals
I had chips for dinner 😅 just one of those days. So I packed these up for our lunches tomorrow.
This took such little effort I was able to mop my floors, boil the eggs, do laundry, feed my dogs, work out, eat chips, watch tv, and do the dishes, and remop my floors after spilling the hardboiled egg water everywhere lol