We were SO not expecting SNOWMAGEDDON for our first country snow storm. 9 inches of ice and snow after a week of rain. The ground was soft and the heavy snow brought down SO many trees. Going on 3 days with no power and the electric company is still quoting us multiple more days of outage. Downed trees everywhere. Many roads impassable, including our driveway up until this morning. Who knew my this week would prove vital?! Here we are, bundled up in the car with the pups to get warm and eat a cold, pre-prepped breakfast we’d just dug out of the snow since our fridge food was getting too warm. The eggs were a little icy 😝. For dinner last night, we used two extension cords and a camping adapter to heat a crock pot full of leftover chili in the car. Through it all, we’ve stuck with these darn eating goals. Thankfully, we were able to get out onto the main road and migrate to the old house that hasn’t sold yet. WITH ELECTRICITY! Swipe to see pics of our beautiful snowy mess. Wishes for all those affected for warmth and safety until this massive outage passes. And if you have nowhere to go, come camp out on the floor in the old house with us!

Posted inFamily Meals
Miracle! Safe travels
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