I am so excited to start cooking more fall foods. I have so many new recipes I can’t wait to try! Spaghetti squash can make for such an easy meal and is so versatile.
Spaghetti Squash
Turkey Meatballs
Tomato Basil Sauce
1 Cup Fresh Mushrooms
1/2 Red Onion
Avocado Oil
Minced Garlic
Black Pepper & Kosher Salt to taste
Parmesan Cheese
Fresh Basil
1. Cut spaghetti squash lengthwise and scrape the seeds out of the middle. Sprinkle avocado oil, kosher salt, and black pepper inside the squash. Place each half face down on baking sheet. Place in oven, then turn oven to 460. Depending on squat size, cook 20-40 minutes.
2. While squash is roasting, place mushrooms, red onions, and minced garlic in sauce pain. Brown for 5 minutes, then add in tomato basil sauce. Continue cooking on low heat.
3. Prepare turkey meatballs, then place in sauce once cooked separately.
4. Remove spaghetti squash when it is easy to scrap a fork. Let cool for a few minutes. Use a fork to scrap the inside of the squash in long strokes lengthwise. Continue until scrapped down as much as able, placing in a separate bowl.
5. Serve a generous amount of spaghetti squash in bowl, top with sauce & meatballs, then garnish with parmesan cheese & basil. Enjoy!

Posted inFamily Meals