These little gems, which I affectionately call “adult lunchables,” have been a lifesaver for me over these last few busy weeks. They take very little time and effort to prep, I can eat them while multitasking ( and the meal only clocks in around 450 calories with 21 grams of protein. What’s in them, you ask? Well, 2 slices of plainvillepoultry turkey breast, 2 slices uncured pepperoni, 1 light string cheese, a handful of lidlus brand gluten free pretzels, baby carrots, sugar snap peas, and a small pink lady apple (not pictured.) Really you can add in any fruit or veggies you like. I like to roll up the meat and dip it in some yellow mustard and primalkitchenfoods avocado mayo. Served with a seltzer water and a smile!

Posted inFamily Meals