I’m not trying to be dramatic, but this green goddess steak salad from sunbasket might be the most delicious thing I’ve eaten this year. With dinosaur kale, roasted carrot, pickled onions, and the best dang paleo green goddess dressing that has ever crossed my lips. I wasn’t feeling the apple in the salad, so I just enjoyed it on the side. I stirred the leftover lime juice from the pickled onions into the dressing and the stars aligned. I’m also tickled that it only took 20 minutes and that I got 3 good sized portions out of the 2 serving option. My justification for doing Sun Basket this month was to fight food boredom by switching things up on my palate. I’ve also learned half a dozen new tricks or techniques. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to do the same. Due to budget restrictions, I may save it as a monthly treat going forward. Let me know if you want to give it a whirl (I have a link for $40 off).

Posted inFamily Meals