🚨 I’m in love, I’m in love, and I don’t care who knows it! 🚨 This cauliflower gnocchi with kale cashew basil vegan pesto was ready in 10 minutes, inhaled in 5 minutes, and there are leftovers for lunch tomorrow. It is also gluten free, grain free, dairy free, sugar free, paleo, whole30***** (SWYPO ALERT…see comments below), and has allllll the sneaky veggies and protein. Ya’ll better RUN to Trader Joe’s, because this stuff is the real deal. Here is how I achieved this deliciousness: Put the gnocchi straight from the freezer into a hot pan on medium/high heat. (DO NOT add water like the directions on the package say to. Just trust me and be a rebel!) Put a tiny drizzle of olive oil and stir it all around. Cover it and let it cook about 6 mins. While it’s cooking, put about 2/3 cup of the pesto in a bowl. Add 2 tbsp nutritional yeast (for protein and “cheesy” flavor), 1 scoop of unflavored collagen protein, and a big squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Stir it all up. Back to the gnocchi. Add a dollop of ghee, salt, pepper, and some garlic powder. Uncover and stir until it is browned and cooked through. Top with pesto mixture and DEVOUR. The end product isn’t much to look at, but it sure is delightful and satisfying.

Posted inFamily Meals