For the past 32 days, I have been striving to be a better version of myself every single day with the . Honestly, this challenge could not have come at a better time for me with dealing with an injury. Plus, these last 3 months notoriously are my hardest months with just splurging on all the delicious foods and being swamped by hectic schedules. I have implemented these five goals into my daily life and after 30 days, I feel SO great! Yes, there are days I did not hit all 5 goals, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t try to attain that goal. I am so proud of the amount of colored in squares, but I am even prouder of the ones that aren’t. That is because those days I did not achieve all five, I felt that much more motivated to achieve it the next and alter my day to be sure I did! So excited for the next 30 days and to continue to strive for a better me each day and show the f up for myself and everyone around me!!

Posted inFamily Meals