Early Thanksgiving with my immediate family tomorrow. I’m bringing mashed pota…

Early Thanksgiving with my immediate family tomorrow.

I’m bringing mashed potatoes, gravy, sausage and herb stuffing, and candied bacon deviled eggs.

I had a turkey in my deep freezer from last year, so I made my first ever Turkey so I could use the pan drippings for the gravy. We plan to use this turkey to make sandwiches and share with our dogs. It turned out so delicious! I blended a bunch of dried herbs with salted butter, paprika, and pepper and then rubbed it all between the skin.

On the bottom of the roasting pan I had a head of garlic, an onion, celery, carrots, thyme, rosemary, sage, a can of chicken stock, and the neck piece of the bird. The drippings by themselves were soooo good.

I mixed some with flour to make the rue for the gravy and then poured the rest in slowly. I stored the gravy in a pickle jar.

I tried to make gluten free gravy for my niece, but I failed. Bought a back up just in case.

If you’re wondering if 30 potatoes can fit in your instant pot, the answer is yes.