After years of tinkering, I think I’ve finally concocted the PERFECT post-run green smoothie (at least for this girl). It’s packed with nutrients, not too sweet, and has fantastic flavor! Here’s what’s inside: 3 leaves chopped romaine, double fist of spinach, 3 big slices of cucumber, 1/3 of a mini avocado, a fistful of frozen riced cauliflower 1/4 of a large honeycrisp apple, 1/2 of a frozen banana, 1/2 a juiced lemon, a big squeeze of ginger, 1 stevia packet, some cold water, and a few ice cubes. (You could also add protein, but I didn’t today because I already had eggs). The lemon and ginger really steal the show in this one! Try it out and let me know how you like it! Also, please give me alllll your ideas for what else to make into a smoothie this summer! 👇🏼

Posted inFamily Meals