Eggs Benedict and morning drank 

Drink: dole pineapple orange strawberry juice …

Eggs Benedict and morning drank Drink: dole pineapple orange strawberry juice …

Eggs Benedict and morning drank

Drink: dole pineapple orange strawberry juice with orange triple sec and peach schnapps. Instead of ice I used a frozen strawberry that is delicious to eat after.

So I’m really trying to serve my eggs Benedict hot, something I always struggle with. I got it today! Key was to be prepared.

Cut the english muffins and place in toaster oven without turning them on, have the hollandaise sauce prelaid out with the butter ready to be melted in a pan, cook the bacon on low-med so it isnt done too fast with water already simmering for the eggs. Once the butter melted I dropped the eggs in the water with a little white vinegar while stirring and lowered the heat, checking every 2 minutes, started the toaster when the eggs were dropped and blended the sauce. It wasn’t staying warm and was more liquidy than I wanted, so when I took the eggs out and put them on a paper towel I poured the sauce into a pyrex cup and whisked in and out of the hot water for a bit and that really helped.

Sauce: 4 egg yolks, small squeeze of mustard, cayenne pepper, pinch of salt, 1 tsp lemon juice and a little zest, blended with 10tbsp warm butter. Could have used 8 to be honest.

Eggs Benedict: English muffins, avocado, bacon, eggs, lemon zest, pinch of salt, hollandaise with cayenne and every day seasoning from trader Joe’s.


With covid being out and about we are spending Thanksgiving day just us and split up seeing our two families with a two week separator. So today we will not be having a traditional Thanksgiving, just a day of cooking fun stuff.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and are with the ones you love either virtually or in person as safe as you can. Stay healthy 🙂